Barkley’s Dancing Girls












Published by linda sarah

author and illustrator

8 thoughts on “Barkley’s Dancing Girls

  1. What a festive bunch! I hope Mr Barkley will cheer up. He really has a group of glittering girls. With lots of power and energy! I allmost hear the music.


  2. Oh my, what an awesome batch of strange and cool dancing girls! Love the striped stockings. And I’m glad you included at least one of your great birds! Really great set, love your stuff!


  3. GOSH, this is wonderful work..I love how full of life your characters are. The sparkles/glitter on the dresses is perfect and OH, he is truly superbe! : ) Well done!


  4. Oh, they are in the full swing of the dance! And so am I!:0) Mr Barkley knows how to make a show. Maybe the secret is in his suitcase?
    Wonderful characters, so much life in them! I like the glitter, the shoes, the hair-dos, but the girl with the donkey’s ears made me laugh!
    Have a LOVEly Valentine’s Day, Linda! And thank you for the pleasure!:)


  5. Oh, such wanton frivolity! And those donkey ears– pure decadence! I’m sure I don’t know what Val Doonican would say… : )

    Lovely, joyful work. Here, here, Mr. Barkley!!


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